Castaway TherapyCounselling, Addiction & Sex Therapy

Qualifications. ACTOLogo

Specialist Problems need Specialist Solutions

My Professional qualifications:

Most recent:
Cofra 121 Compassionate focused risk aware: offering clients a 1:1 16 week programme for managing sexual risk.
Cofra Compassionate focused risk aware: For Partners family/friends offering a 1:1 10 week programme of understanding and safeguarding.

  • Post graduate (University of the West of Scotland Alcohol & Drug Studies with Clinical Practice)
  • Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Supervision (Master's level)
  • Diploma in Psychosexual Therapy (Senior Accredited Sexual & Relationship Psychotherapist)
  • Certificate in Relationship Therapy
  • Diploma (Accredited in working with Sexual Addiction: Individuals, Couples, Partners)
  • Member of STOPSO
  • Certificate in Online Counselling Skills
  • Certificate in Working online with groups

I have undertaken further training in Compassionate Focused Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Cognitive Analytical Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Emotional Freedom Technique (for trauma). I also undertake Continuous Professional Development training each year. Working with a highly qualified Therapist is essential, but a Therapist must also be sufficiently skilled in their specialities. Skills come with experience. With complex health conditions such as addiction, highly skilled Therapists are essential. If you are prepared to work hard, addiction can be tackled and overcome successfully. I believe that one of the most important components of a therapeutic relationship is the ability of Therapist to connect to the client & vice versa. I can usually connect quickly to my clients.



I was Registered as a Nurse (cardiac surgery/intensive care adults & children) for many years and latterly retrained to become a Psychotherapist. I worked in Substance Misuse & Criminal Justice for a number of years and also for Relate, for the NHS & Relationships Scotland as a Sexual & Relationship Psychotherapist. I worked in a Russel Group University for 11 years, where I set up and run the Online Therapy Service, providing  'Mental health therapy for students. I have worked in the Middle East and also in Greece. I have a keen interest in the effects of living with chronic (unexplained) pain on individuals, their relationships and their quality of life.

My specialist areas of Therapy

  • Couple/Relationship work
  • Working Online to create a real relationship between client and Therapist requires a skilled and experienced Therapist that has had specialist training and is qualified to undertake the work. A deep understanding can be gained about clients emotional states and a connection through words across the ether is created. Positive ways forward can then be found.


  • Working with young adults aged 18+, e.g.students with academic and mental health problems.
  • Working in Psychosexual Therapy General relationship difficulties, Polyamory, kink, having a baby, perhaps both of you want different things and I can help you to explore how you can move forward. Psychosexual Therapy helps people to relax about sex as individuals and also with their partner. Trust and communication between partners can be improved and physical problems addressed in a sensitive and caring way. Couples agree goals to aim for and are given homework/tasks to do between sessions. The therapist will address any difficulties or blocks that may be encountered and we shall progress until a more harmonious relationship is achieved.


  • Working with Sexual Addiction Compulsive use of internet porn, affairs, camming, escorts, can become out of hand, this includes females and young adults too. Partners, children, parents and employers of those addicted can be affected. Individuals can find their sexual behaviour confusing and worrying but may be unable to stop. What started off as an occasional porn surf, can easily become a relentless task master, taking too much of your time and leaving you drained of emotions and unable to engage in important relationships or meaningful activities. Approaching your GP (who usually don't know about sexual problems), particularly if you are female, may be scary and embarrassing.

I am a member of ATSAC Association for the treatment of Sexual Addiction and compulsivity.

  • Working in Substance abuse with people using illicit drugs, (also alcohol and prescription drugs) is another specialist area. The combination of obsessive thoughts, physical cravings and compulsive behaviours (as well as serious legal& financial difficulties) can leave people feeling desperate and hopeless. Both physical and psychological health can quickly deteriorate as do relationships. Finding stability is firstly needed and if events or relationships from the past are still impacting on the individual, these can be explored and processed in order to assist the person to move forward.


Personal Approach

I warmly welcome all potential clients who may wish to benefit from an Integrative approach, (meaning one therapy size/approach does not fit all), I can choose from a number of therapy models and often use Compassionate Focused therapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques. I am understanding and empathic and also able to gently challenge behaviours that are not helpful in achieving your goals. Humor is often experienced between myself and clients, when appropriate and it can help to lighten your load, but we can equally share the sadness of loss and the threat of fear.

If you believe that I will be able to provide a therapeutic relationship and approach that will be beneficial to you, please get in touch.

I look forward to working with you.

Qualifications. COSRTLogo

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