Castaway Therapy Counselling, Addiction & Sex Therapy

Nightbirds Blog. Fing couple fighting

Blog ramblings for Client's see below :-)

What would you find helpful or interesting for me to write about in this short blog? Feel free to email me to suggest some topics

Here I share with you thoughts about some of the psychotherapy conditions that I have a special interest in, that stir my blood, or that interest my clients. Hopefully you will be able to hear my 'voice' in this Blog, (I do actually 'ramble') and get a sense of what it would be like to work with me.

Please get in touch via this website Email enquiry form or

I shall be happy to hear from you and shall get back to you ASAP :-)


Love and lockdown

Sex is diffiult to talk about & what happens after sending me an email

Enough Sex Information for the public?

Agonising Love addiction

Why are my partners are all the same?

Betrayal of partners trust via the computer


Nightbirds Blog. Fing couple fighting



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